Welcome to the Shadow Of The Beast Site. This is a tribute to one of the finest games ever made. ©2005 gert_lüdecke This site is optimized for 800x600 and over. Thanks to: MY GIRLFRIEND Undine for understanding and always supporting me ;-) I LOVE YOU!! JAN M. ZOTTMANN for the PC Engine-Version of SOTB 1 as well as a lot of other cool stuff!! JOHN THACKERAY at www.tradingpost.com for SOTB 1 AMIGA (big box) AMUSEMENT-ARCADE at www.amusement-arcade.com (for SOTB FM Towns Marty version) GEOFF WELCH for providing the SOTB 3 Limited Edition JOHN from GermanAmigaEmuBoard! Thanks for the SOTB HD-Versions! SOKARIS for some VERY nice scans and the LYNX-Version Manual of Shadow of the Beast! ADDED SOON ;) DAVID SISLER for two renderings of the SOTB 1 main character. ALL OF MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY! Special Thanks to: DOUG GERDES for sending me the Beast 1 T-Shirt at NO CHARGE!!! THANKS!!! For even more Shadow of the Beast nostalgica look for the "Immortal" 1 and 2 Music CD at http://www.zottmann.com The "Immortal" Soundtrack CD contains new productions from the ORIGINAL musicians responsible for the music in Amiga-games like X-Out, Lotus 2, Jim Power, Lionheart and of course - Shadow of the Beast. Tim Wright made a special remix of the main theme from Shadow of the Beast 3! Immortal 1 features more work from Tim Wright as well as Chris Hülsbeck and many other musicians. For more information visit: http://www.zottmann.com and http://www.synsoniq.de! SOTB 3D is still in process (this project is NOT and won´t ever possibly be dead, but it WILL take time so don´t hold your breath on it.) The SOTB project still needs some skilled modelers and coders. Anyone who is familiar to applications like gmax, 3dsmax, milkshape etc. An "outdated" WIP shot:Click to enlarge. visitors, since 14/08/2002: